I grabbed the newly released X-Plane 11.02 Beta 1 update and was impressed by the performance improvements that it provided for my very old struggling setup. My computer consists of the following:

CPU Intel i7 920 OC 2.86Mhz (Circa 2009)
GPU nVidia 760GTX 4GB VRAM

It goes without saying how under powered the CPU is by today's comparison of what is available.

Previous X-Plane 11 betas ran very slowly. I had to lower rendering settings to get any sort of reasonable flight from them. With the most recent release I am able to fly with the default "out of the box" rendering settings and get 15 to 20fps. I understand that 15 to 20fps is not good. Not at all. Honestly though I am impressed with how the program has been tuned to get it to that level with aging hardware.

If you have a chance I recommend testing out this new beta thread.

Photos here: https://simspotting.org/topic/73/testing-x-plane-11-02beta1